Empowering changemakers like you

We're a community of entrepreneurs, coaches & leaders on a mission to make their mark in the world

Build a business that changes your world and the world

And commit to a new kind of community

It can be a lonely place being an entrepreneur. And for a growing movement of founders that aren’t in it for the money, it can be even worse.

Those closest to you think you’re crazy, particularly if you have ambitions to leave a secure 9–5 job for the the rollercoaster ride that is entrepreneurship. Self-doubt, procrastination and a lack of skills means many great ideas never see the light of day.

Since 2012 The Happy Startup School has been on a mission to change that. We've helped thousands of people around the world to make the leap into the unknown and pursue a life and business rich with purpose.

In our thriving, friendly community you'll meet other founders, coaches, creatives and changemakers that are doing business differently and work together to achieve your goals.

From our vastly experienced mentors and friendly peers, powerful courses and time-saving tools, we'll arm you with the confidence and permission to build a business that makes you come alive and allows you to achieve success on your own terms and make the impact you crave.

"Having a community like the one The Happy Startup School has created is invaluable because they care about you and they care about your success. If you don't have a community, you can't benefit from years, literally hundreds of years of experience." 

Chris Chopyak, author of Picture Your Business Strategy

Hey there!

We're Laurence and Carlos, the founders of The Happy Startup School since 2012 (and friends since actual school). We've created this platform as an antidote to business as usual – where learning is fun and true friends are made, not just business contacts.

With more than 20 years experience each working with entrepreneurs and new businesses, we've curated some powerful resources and a thriving community of purpose-driven entrepreneurs that think like you do. These are crazy times and we're working hard to ensure you get the help you need, just when you need it.

As featured in

Don't just take our word for it


A little taster

🎥 Are you an artist or entrepreneur?

The source for the products we create in the world can either be from the inside-out (artist way) or the outside-in (entrepreneurs way). Watch to learn more.

📺 Access hundreds more videos & lessons like these if you join as a member

What to expect

Peer support

  • 💺 Group coaching calls where you can get direct feedback on your biggest challenge right now from the brilliant minds in this community
  • 🏃 Action Café – our weekly virtual co-working session where you can co-work remotely with fellow members and get the important stuff done
  • 💡 Ideas Café – our monthly knowledge exchange in small, facilitated mastermind groups
  • 🔥 Themed campfire conversations with fellow members on key topics such as how to get your business online
  • 💼 Mentor office hours where you can get book free time with any of our wonderful mentors


  • 🎓 Access to our startup program Purpose+Profit – our step-by-step guide to bringing your ideas to life
  • 🎓 Online classes and mini courses – from marketing and web design, to storytelling and leadership
  • 📘 Recommended reads & listens where we curate the top books and podcasts to help you on your entrepreneurial journey
  • 📺 Live Q&As with our founders Carlos and Laurence where you can get your questions answered


  • ▶️ Regular webinars with special guests and thought leaders
  • ✒️ Exclusive posts from our founders and mentors
  • 🎬 Exclusive videos including priority access to all talks from our annual Summercamp as well as our archive of webinars and interviews
  • 🍕 Local member meetups in Amsterdam, Brighton, London and a growing amount of cities
  • Personal invitation and a discount to our annual Summercamp in the UK countryside where 150 likeminded souls gather together every September

You get what you give

Real community comes from contribution 

“If we create networks with the sole intention of getting something, we won’t succeed. We can’t pursue the benefits of networks; the benefits ensue from investments in meaningful activities and relationships.” Adam Grant

Your tribe awaits

Learn from some amazing humans like you

You'll meet marketeers & mentors; designers & developers; coaches & content writers; artists and accountants that you can trust and want to help.

Watch this short film from our Summercamp to see the kind of people you'll meet

Shared values
The people you'll meet in this community are a different breed. Where others see competition and self-interest, they see collaboration.

Challenging questions
The right question can transform a business. We ask the crunchy questions that get you thinking deeper.

Conversations that matter
We firmly believe that vulnerability is the route to authentic connections, so we've created a safe space where we can sweat the big stuff.

Why struggle alone?

Ask for help and feel the power of our community

Nicholas Himowicz, Founder of Mind Apps

Find collaborators, customers & mentors that will help you succeed

Rula Giakoumi, Project Manager

"A school to learn from beauties – teachers, buddies and mentors – that see amazingness in other people's nuttiness."

We're so excited to meet you!
The Happy Startup team

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to get a flavour of our ethos and approach or visit our popular blog